Enforcing Dependency Constraints Within Service in Nx Monorepo workspace

5 minute read

In my previous article “Imposing Constraints on Dependency Graph” you did learn how to isolate all projects of a folder (service A) from all of the projects of another folder (service B). That is something called as 1-dimensional dependency graph. Now In this blog, I will teach you how to enforce dependency rules among the projects within the same folder (service A or B). This is called 2 dimensional dependency graph.


If you are following Udi Dahan’s service oriented architecture then you might be aware that services should be autonomous and they should not depend on each other. Service code, database, models should be isolated and they can not take compile time dependency on other services and each other. I am very happy to say that now you can achieve this in JavaScript also by using Nx Monorepo framework.

Understanding project structure in Nx MonorepoPermalink

In my monorepo workspace, I have 3 service boundaries:

Sales that has product editor and products Customers that has user editor and users Branding that has logger, ng-material and layout projects.

Here is our complete dependency graph of workspace:

Defining Dependency RulePermalink

  1. Projects within Sales should not depend on each other
  2. Projects within Customers should not depend on each other.
  3. Projects within sales should not depend on the customer’s projects and vice versa.
  4. Each project can depend on all branding projects. 

Configuring Nx MonorepoPermalink

If you are using Nx Monorepo then you might be aware of the Nx.json file. Where you can define tags and scope to each project. Then you will add dependency constraints in the tslint file at the root folder. This way you will configure dependency graph constraints within your work-space. We can enforce dependency rules by using scope and type lets understand them.

What does scope mean in nx.json?Permalink

We will use scope to define the big boundary; it is our service.  Example sales, customers.

What does type mean in nx.json?Permalink

We will use type to define the project boundary within the service. Example product-editor, products etc.

Isolating project within a Sales Service: Step1 nx.json configurationPermalink

In order to isolate projects within a service, we have to add both scope and type to a project configuration inside an nx.json file. So that it can be isolated within the service projects.

Example: if sales has a product editor and products project. And we want to isolate both projects from each other such that they do not depend on each other. Then in this case, I have to add both scope:sales and type:sales-product-editor to project editor project configuration. And I have to add both scope:sales and type:sales-products to the product project configuration in nx.json file. Here is the complete code for projects configuration on nx.json.

"sales-product-editor": {

      "tags": [





    "sales-products": {

      "tags": [





Isolating project within a Sales Service: Step2 tslint.json configurationPermalink

In the tslint.json notice, I am defining source tag for sales. Then I am also defining a source tag per project. For example for a sales-product-editor project I am defining its dependency on type:sales-product-editor and type:branding-logger,type:branding-ng-material,type:branding-layout. This way I am guaranteeing that the product editor within the Sales service will only depend on branding projects and it will not depend on another project within the sales service itself. Here is the complete code for nx-enforce-module-boundaries.

 "depConstraints": [
            "sourceTag": "scope:sales",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:sales-product-editor",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:sales-products",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [

Testing Dependency Boundary ConstraintsPermalink

First: we will import project dependency from branding service and it should allow us to do so.

Go to sales sales-product-editor.module.ts and then import logger module.

Note: 👉 while importing don’t use relative path otherwise tslint rule will not work. Always import with a folder alias like I am doing below.

import { BrandingLoggerModule } from '@myorg/branding/logger';

Notice you did not see any tslint errors.

Second: we will try to import products module and as per rule. Product Editor should not depend on Products project. Let’s test it.

import { Products } from '@myorg/sales-products';

Now you should notice the tslint error is showing as a squiggly line and it says below error.

A project tagged with "type:sales-product-editor" can only depend on libs tagged with "type:sales-product-editor", "type:branding-logger", "type:branding-layout", "type:branding-ng-material" (nx-enforce-module-boundaries)

Also if you will try to run npm run lint then also it will break and show this as compile time error.

So now you see how Nx framework is establishing and enforcing dependency graphs within a service boundary.

Third: Let’s also confirm that I should not be able to take the dependency from customer service.

If I import users from customers service within sales service

import {Users} from '@myorg/customers-users'

Then notice I see an error below.

A project tagged with “scope:sales” can only depend on libs tagged with “scope:sales”, “scope:branding” (nx-enforce-module-boundaries)tslint(1)

Complete source code: nx.json projectsPermalink

  "projects": {
    "sales-product-editor": {
      "tags": [
    "sales-products": {
      "tags": [
    "customers-user-editor": {
      "tags": [
    "customers-users": {
      "tags": [
    "branding-ng-material": {
      "tags": [
    "branding-layout": {
      "tags": [
    "branding-logger": {
      "tags": [
    "onlinestore-client": {
      "tags": [
    "onlinestore-admin": {
      "tags": [
    "onlinestore-client-e2e": {
      "tags": [],
      "implicitDependencies": [
    "onlinestore-admin-e2e": {
      "tags": [],
      "implicitDependencies": [

Complete source code: tslint.jsonPermalink

 "nx-enforce-module-boundaries": [
        "enforceBuildableLibDependency": true,
        "allow": [],
        "depConstraints": [
            "sourceTag": "scope:sales",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:sales-product-editor",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:sales-products",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "scope:customers",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:customers-user-editor",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "type:customers-users",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [
            "sourceTag": "scope:branding",
            "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": [


I highly recommend to use nx monorepo and enforce constraints on dependency graph within your work-space.

Become full stack developer 💻Permalink

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Rupesh Tiwari